Generating Sustainable Compassion as an Expression of Love and Wisdom


This program is part of a nine-month long Path called "Drawing on the Unconditional Love and Wisdom of our Buddha Nature". Please click here for more information on the full path.

The three modes of practice that we learn in the first program provide a foundation in this second program for generating a power of compassion that can embrace all sufferings of oneself and others in a deeply healing way, without succumbing to empathic distress or compassion fatigue. We learn meditations for generating empathy and compassion that are designed to generate compassionate solidarity with all parts of ourselves and with all other beings in a sustainable and inclusive way. This is supported by learning how to let love, compassion, and wisdom increasingly empower each other.

Noble Silence:

Noble silence will be observed during much of this program. Some contemplative exercises may involve mindful speaking and listening. Noble silence is to be upheld at all other times.

Experience Level:

Suitable for beginning and experienced practitioners.

Cancellation Policy:

There are no cancellation fees for donation-based programs.