Soulmaking Dharma


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Foundations of a Soulmaking Dharma: Re-evaluating Emptiness, Imagination, Sacredness, and Desire offers 12 weeks of focused study and practice of Soulmaking Dharma guided by Catherine McGee and Yahel Avigur.

This gorgeous body of soulmaking teachings has spoken to my vulnerability to beauty, my longing for justice, my love of ideas, my desire to be in deepening conversation with the earth in this time of unravelling, and my eagerness to participate in new ways of perceiving who we are and what we find ourselves charged within these times.

I trust these teachings deeply. Rooted in the safety of the Buddha's brilliant dharma, they have given me the permission and the capacity to say yes to the soul's deeper desires and to learn to sense myself and all things as wholly sacred. This has enormous implications not only on my work in the world right now, but also on my understanding of what is possible on the path towards awakening.

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What is Soulmaking Dharma?

Rooted in the Buddha’s teaching of emptiness, ethics, and meditative training, Soulmaking Dharma is a rich and resonant contemporary flowering of the Dharma.

Our Buddhist practice reveals to us that perception is empty and shapeable. We see that we inevitably participate in making the world through the ways we sense and see. Understanding this, the soulmaking practitioner learns to open and tune their heart, body, imagination, desire, and intellect to form an instrument for soulful perception: sensing and seeing self, others, and world in ways that bring more beauty, dimensionality, and meaningfulness — and that restore, open, and expand senses of sacredness.

Here, the depths and subtleties of meditative practice, the particularities of the individual and their personal journeys, and the gifts, complexities, and sufferings of our time can all find their specific place in a responsive, intelligent, and soulful Dharma.

Soulmaking Dharma teachings rest upon practices of samatha, metta, emptiness, and the emotional/energy body. The Soulmaking teachings are laid out in several hundred hours of Dharma talks by Rob Burbea and Catherine McGee on 

Options for Participation

To make Soulmaking Dharma as accessible as possible, we are offering two forms of participation.

  • Option 1 – Online Program + In-Person Retreat: For those who are able to come to BCBS for a residential retreat on January 10-17, 2025, this program has both online and in-person components. The retreat registration information and cost will be provided after your acceptance into the online Soulmaking program. Applications for the retreat will open in August.

  • Option 2 – Online Program Only: Others can participate and have a deep exploration of Soulmaking Dharma through the online elements of the program. 

Program Overview

Program Dates

Online: September 15 - December 8, 2024
Residential Retreat (Optional): January 10-17, 2025

Application Timeframe

June 10 - July 22, 2024


12 weeks (including 2 digestion weeks)

Time Commitment

8 hours per week

Participation Expectation

Sunday Whole Group Meetings (11:30 AM - 1:30 PM ET)
• September 15, 22, 29
• October 6, 20, 27
• November 3, 17, 24
• December 1


Prerequisites include retreat practice and a working familiarity with key ideas and practices. Click here for full details.

Asynchronous Components

• Video Presentations
• Guided Meditations
• Self-Reflection Exercises
• Short Weekly Assignments

Optional Offerings

• Live Meditation / Workshop Thursdays
• Affinity Spaces
• Connect and Digest

Program Information

This is an intensive, rigorous, and demanding program and requires considerable commitment from participants. We require attendance at the Sunday Whole Group Meetings and the home group that meets during this meeting, as well as completion of writing prompts and program assignments. The minimum required time commitment is 8 hours per week.

Weekly individual participation includes:

A spirit of playfulness and enjoyment will be invited in all of the practices, both individually and together, and an atmosphere of care for and discernment of your particular learning styles will be supported.

The Soulmaking curriculum includes a thoughtful and contemplative exploration of the following themes:

Tuning the Body Awareness for Soulful Perception

The Place of Imagination

Emptiness ‘Ways of Looking’ - the Implications for Soulfulness

Relationality and the Necessity of Twoness

Opening the Dharma of Desire

The Necessity of Ideas

Working with Images

A Soulful Relationship with Dukkha

Ensouling the World

Caring for the Vessel

In early Buddhist thought, tranquility and insight are complementary dimensions of meditative cultivation, traditionally based on a solid foundation in moral conduct and part of a gradual process of training. This online program will follow the Buddha’s principle of ethics as the foundation for Soulmaking practice. Participation in this program is supported by group commitment to respect and non-harming, applying to both communication with others and also to one’s personal relationship with the practice.

Application Information

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Catherine McGee offers this Diversity of Souls video, sharing an invitation to Soulmaking Dharma, thoughts on who might be interested in this program, the use of language in this program, and how diversity and inclusion are vital to nourishing the soul of this work.

  • Applications Open: June 10, 2024

  • Applications Close: July 22, 2024 (5:00 PM EST)

  • Initial Acceptance Notification: July 29, 2024

  • Program Dates: September 15 – December 8, 2024

  • Residential Retreat (Optional): January 10-17, 2025 

In order to be accepted into the program, you must meet 8 Prerequisites, including the following:

  • Four week-long silent guided insight meditation retreats

  • Confidence working with whole body awareness for emotional navigation, for loosening clinging, and for metta practice

  • Understanding of emptiness and dependent origination

The program fee is $450.

In keeping with the tradition of teachers offering the Buddhadharma out of a spirit of generosity, program fees do not include compensation for teachers. There will be an opportunity to support your teachers through the practice of dāna at the end of the program. 

We are committed to making this program accessible to all. Financial assistance is available to help supplement the program fee. Requests for financial assistance can be made during the registration process. If accepted into the program, financial assistance of 30%, 40%, or 50% of the program fee can be selected and immediately applied during registration. If the need for financial assistance is greater than 50% of the program fee, please indicate what amount of the program fee feels affordable to you, and we will do what we can to accommodate your request. 

We are committed to providing a spiritual home and resource for all on the path to awakening. We do our best to ensure that everyone who comes here feels truly welcome, respected, and safe, whatever their age, race, ethnicity, sex (including gender identity and expression), sexual orientation, body type, disability, religion, or political viewpoint. We recognize this is ongoing work and invite you to reach out to us at with suggestions and feedback as to how we can more fully embody our aspiration to be a spiritual home and resource for all.

Guiding Teachers

Catherine McGee

She has been teaching Insight Meditation retreats internationally since 1999. She is a member of the Gaia House teacher council, teaches yearly at IMS and BCBS, and is a guiding teacher for One Earth Sangha – an online sangha exploring Buddhist responses to the climate and ecological crises. Between 2014 and 2020, she collaborated closely with Rob Burbea in shaping and teaching Soulmaking Dharma.

Yahel Avigur

He is a teacher in the Insight Meditation tradition. He completed his teacher training in 2020 under the guidance of Rob Burbea, with a particular emphasis on Emptiness and Jhana practices. Currently, he is in training for teaching Soulmaking Dharma, guided by Catherine McGee. Yahel is also trained in the Hakomi approach of assisted self-study.