I: Finding Freedom in Deep Contentment and Letting Go
In our first program, we will be practicing with the six Insight Dialogue guidelines as we bring kind awareness to the exploration of where true contentment lies. When we meet our habitual patterns of clinging with clarity and compassion, we begin to taste the ease and freedom that is available when we let go. This allows for a deeper contentment to emerge as we come to depend less on external conditions for our wellbeing. As a result, we cultivate the capacity to live in closer accordance with the way things are.
II: Finding Freedom in Wise View
In our second program, we will be deepening the understanding and integration of the Insight Dialogue guidelines as we investigate how views shape our understanding of ourselves and the world. The particular way we hold views is key because it is one of the primary obscurations of freedom and clear-seeing. As our way of seeing becomes less entangled and more fluid, we naturally develop more openness, ease, and freedom.
III: Finding Freedom in Relaxing the “Self”
A significant source of our stress comes from misperceiving the true nature of ourselves and reality. In our final program together, we will draw upon Insight Dialogue skills to become intimately familiar with the process of the so-called “self” as it comes into being and fades. This recognition brings freedom from the suffering of identification with a solid separate sense of self. When we loosen this identification, we enhance our capacity to be with things as they are. This brings a greater sense of freedom and joy in our lives, as well as a deepening of compassion and care for ourselves, each other, and the whole of life.