Roots and Refuge

Roots and Refuge

An Asian American Buddhist Writing Retreat

An Invitation to Deepen Your
Spiritual And Creative Practice

How do our roots shape us as Asian Americans in connection to Buddhism? Where can we find refuge in the practice of putting pen to paper? As writers shaped by lineages of Buddhist poetry, exegesis, fiction, journalism, and other genres, how can we share what we have to offer to the present and future of Buddhism in the United States?

This experimental, participatory gathering brings together Asian American Buddhists writers—broadly defined—for a program to support and deepen our spiritual and creative practice. Over the course of our five days together, we will participate in peer-led ritual and meditation, write on our own and in peer-organized groups, and dialogue as a community. 

Applications are due by July 2, 2024.
Anyone of Asian heritage (including Central, East, North, South, Southeast, and West Asian heritage) who is currently working on a writing project related to Buddhism is warmly invited to apply. You do not need to be a published author to apply, and writers of all genres are welcome.
This program is suitable for beginning and experienced practitioners.
This program includes dedicated periods of both wise speech and noble silence. Noble silence will be observed following each evening session through breakfast the following day.

Program Fee and Scholarships

To make this program accessible to well-suited applicants regardless of their financial circumstances, a scholarship fund has been established specifically for Roots and Refuge. Thank you to The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism for their generous support of the inaugural 2023 Roots and Refuge program, the Hemera Foundation for their generous contribution to the Roots and Refuge scholarship fund, and to the many individuals who have contributed to our scholarship fund to help make this program more widely accessible.

An application for need-based financial assistance is included at the bottom of the program application. 

Residential Pricing:

Includes lodging and meals at BCBS during the in-person program.
SupportedMid Level SustainingBenefactor

Commuter Pricing:

Includes meals without lodging during the in-person program.

Program Notes

Teacher Dāna (Generosity)
Program fees do not include payments to the teacher. Participants are invited to support the teacher through the practice of dāna (generosity).
This policy applies to all residential programs. If you need to cancel your registration, please contact us as soon as possible. Please note cancellation fees are at most $50 for those receiving financial assistance. Beginning in 2024, prior to six weeks before the program start date, cancellation fees are $50 for all programs more than two nights and $25 for programs two nights or less. 50% of your deposit is forfeited if you cancel between two and six weeks of the program start date. 100% of your deposit is forfeited if you cancel less than two weeks before the program start date.
As we work to become a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, we invite feedback/suggestions you may have regarding ways that we can make participation in the program more accessible and welcoming. Please email us at


Chenxing Han

She is the author of Be the Refuge: Raising the Voices of Asian American Buddhists (2021) and one long listening: a memoir of grief, friendship, and spiritual care (2023). She holds a BA from Stanford University, an MA in Buddhist Studies from the Graduate Theological Union, and a certificate in Buddhist chaplaincy from the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, California. She is a co-teacher of Listening to the Buddhists in our Backyard at Phillips Academy Andover and a co-organizer of May We Gather: A National Buddhist Memorial for Asian American Ancestors.