Emptiness: Seeing That Frees – A Hybrid Retreat

BCBS is delighted to offer Emptiness: Seeing That Frees as a hybrid program, giving you a choice between attending residentially at BCBS or joining online from anywhere. Please click your preferred option to enroll:

In this hybrid program, we will continue exploring the profound Buddhist teachings of dependent origination and emptiness through the practices and understandings in Rob Burbea's book Seeing That Frees. We will be particularly attentive to the subtle interplay between the wisdom of emptiness and the open-heartedness of mettā.

This hybrid program is open to participants in the yearlong BCBS program exploring Seeing That Frees.

Program Format: This will be a traditional silent vipassana retreat that will include meditation instructions, walking practice, mettā practice, and Dharma talks.

Noble Silence:

Noble silence will begin with the opening talk on the first evening and continue through the closing session.

Experience Level:

Suitable for intermediate and advanced practitioners.


Must be a current participant in the yearlong BCBS Seeing That Frees online program.

Cancellation Policy:

We understand that personal circumstances may require you to cancel your registration. In these cases, please contact us right away. If you cancel more than eight weeks before the program starts, you are eligible for a full refund minus a $50 administrative fee. If you cancel between three and eight weeks before the program starts, you are eligible for a 50% refund of the deposit. Registration fees are nonrefundable less than three weeks before the program starts.


The lottery for residential spaces will close at 11:59 PM US Eastern Time on February 15, 2025. Residential spaces will be offered on February 28, 2025. Payment will be due three days from notification of acceptance.

There is no lottery for online spaces. Those registering for an online space can do so using the online registration link and a registration confirmation will be sent to you by email.