Welcome Mindy Taylor to the BCBS Team

Please welcome Mindy Taylor to the Barre Center as the Online Programs Coordinator. She lives in Colorado on the unceded land of the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho nations.

Mindy has practiced in the Insight and Plum Village traditions since the early 2000s, and over the last several years has experienced a deepening engagement with the path. She recently completed the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, and for the next year she’ll be exploring Buddhist chaplaincy with the Sati Center. As a lifelong student, she loves learning and thrives when making the space and time to digest slowly and practice with intention.

Mindy also enjoys hiking above the tree line and gardening with native plants to restore a biodiverse ecology for wildlife to thrive.

Mindy is looking forward to serving program participants, teachers, and staff through our many online offerings.

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