Welcome Suzanne McGilvray to the Board of Directors

Suzanne McGilvray is a (mostly) retired Certified Public Accountant with a broad range of board experience in the not-for-profit sector. She has worked with organizations on strategic planning, capital fundraising, improved governance, campus planning, leadership succession, and finance. She is also a board member and the Treasurer of Valley Insight Meditation Society.

Suzanne has been interested in Buddhism since her teenage years. Her formal practice began in the Zen tradition, but she has found her home within the Insight community for the past ten years. She has been a member of Cambridge Insight Meditation Center and has attended retreats at both IMS and BCBS.

Teachers who have helped her navigate the path include Bhikkhu Anālayo, Rob Burbea, Joseph Goldstein, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Doreen Schweizer.

Suzanne lives with her husband on an old dairy farm in rural Vermont.

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