Welcome Vivien Roman-Hampton to the Board of Directors

Vivien Roman-Hampton (she/her/ella) is a mental health clinician and the founder of a group mental health practice. Her work is dedicated to addressing the unique and often overlooked needs of historically marginalized communities.

Vivien’s personal journey led her to discover mindfulness in 2013. Since then, she has actively pursued opportunities to deepen her understanding of Buddhist practices, participating in numerous retreats and diverse educational courses.

In addition to her clinical work, Vivien works with the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults, where she teaches and develops mindfulness curriculum, both in and out of the organization. She also co-facilitates a weekly sangha at HoppingTree in Amherst and is an aspirant in the Order of Interbeing, within the Plum Village tradition.

Vivien currently resides in Massachusetts with her beloved family.

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