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Buddhist Roots & Ethics

Talking with Andrew Olendzki About His New Roles

Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening

October 18, 2013 full moon Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening a conversation with Joseph Goldstein

MIT Meets the Monastery

True & False: Dharma After the Western Enlightenment

February 25, 2013 full moon True & False: Dharma After the Western Enlightenment Talking with Rita Gross

Honoring a Life & Legacy in the Dhamma: Mirka Knaster on Munindra

January 26, 2013 full moon Honoring a Life & Legacy in the Dhamma Talking with Mirka Knaster about Munindra

A Classical Future: Interview with Insight Journal Editor

December 28, 2012 full moon A Classical Future: Interview with Insight Journal editor Chris Talbott

A Conversation with Bhikkhu Anālayo

August 31, 2011 full moon A Conversation with Bhikkhu Anālayo

Getting Out of the Romantic Gate

May 5, 2012 full moon Getting Out of the Romantic Gate A conversation with Ajaan Thanissaro

Teaching Mindfulness to Children

March 8, 2012 full moon Teaching Mindfulness to Children: Talking with Christopher Willard

Mindfulness in Buddhism & Psychology

February 7, 2012 full moon Mindfulness in Buddhism & Psychology: Talking with Christopher Germer

Going Forth: A Buddhist Approach to Retirement & Old Age

January 9, 2012 full moon Going Forth: A Buddhist Approach to Retirement & Old Age