Sutta Study

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Dhammapada 13

April 6, 2012 full moon Dhammapada 13, translation and commentary

No Hatred for Anyone

Insight Journal -- June 15 2011 edition No Hatred for Anyone —Itivuttaka 3:7d translation & commentary by Andrew Olendzki One who neither kills nor makes others kill Buddhist teachings place the greatest emphasis upon the moment-to-moment construction of experience in one's own mind and body.... Karma, according to the Buddha, is driven by volition or intention (sañcetanā), so the most important factor at any time is the quality of the mind or heart in the instant that action is initiated. ...

The Moon Among Stars

Even Once!

Insight Journal -- March 19 2011 edition Even Once! —Itivuttaka 3:7b translation & commentary by Andrew Olendzki

The Removal of Grudges

Insight Journal -- February 18 2011 edition The Removal of Grudges Anguttara Nikaya 5:161 translation & commentary by Andrew Olendzki

Do It!

Insight Journal -- January 19 2011 edition Do It! Therīgāthā 118 Engage with the Buddha's teaching translation & commentary by Andrew Olendzki

Itivuttaka 3:7

Insight Journal -- Dec 21 2010 edition Itivuttaka 3:7 translation & commentary by Andrew Olendzki

Metta in Anguttara Nikaya

Insight Journal -- Nov 21 2010 edition No Ill Will Anguttara Nikaya 1:2.7 commentary by Andrew Olendzki

Metta in Other Suttas

Metta Sutta Verse 10

Insight Journal -- Sep 21 2010 edition Mettā Sutta verse 10 translation & commentary by Andrew Olendzki

Metta Sutta Verse 9

Insight Journal -- Aug 24 2010 edition Mettā Sutta verse 9

Metta Sutta Verse 8

Insight Journal -- Jul 25 2010 edition Mettā Sutta verse 8