Aware and Mindful of the Breath Body


This program is part of a path called "Embodied Truths: Breath, Body, and Intention in Buddhist Practice". Please click here for more information on the full path.

The breath is continually nourishing this body and mind. The breath has its own wisdom to share with us, a wisdom that is never apart from us. Early Buddhism is replete with teachings on practicing with the breath both as the primary object of attention and as a support for the mind to explore other Dhammas. At the midpoint of our Path program, we will come together to explore the breath as a Dhamma, as an instrument of practice that can open our eyes to wisdom. We will explore practicing with the breath and foundational suttas such as the 16 Steps of Mindfulness of Breathing (Middle Length Discourse 118), the Great Awakening Sutta (Numbered Discourse 9.1), and the Kimbila Sutta (Linked Discourse 54.10).

Noble Silence:

Noble silence will be observed during much of this program. Some contemplative exercises may involve mindful speaking and listening. Noble silence is to be upheld at all other times.

Experience Level:

Suitable for beginning and experienced practitioners.

Cancellation Policy:

There are no cancellation fees for donation-based programs.