Code of Ethics

At BCBS, we believe that the foundation of a Buddhist spiritual life rests upon ethical conduct. In keeping with this understanding, and for the long-term benefit of the community at large, we ask all teachers to uphold the ethical guidelines set forth here, which are based on the five traditional Buddhist precepts. In particular:


  • To undertake the precept of refraining from killing. In undertaking this precept, we acknowledge the interconnection of all beings and our respect for all life.


  • To undertake the precept of refraining from stealing. We agree to not take that which does not belong to us and to respect the property of others. We agree to offer teachings without favoritism in regard to students’ financial circumstances.


  • To undertake the precept of refraining from sexual misconduct. We agree to avoid creating harm through sexuality and to avoid sexual exploitation or relationships in a sexual manner that are outside of the bounds of relationship commitments. All teachers agree not to use their teaching role to exploit their authority and position in order to assume a sexual relationship with a student.


We acknowledge that teacher-student dynamics are complex and extra care is called for. Teachers are in a position of power and students can be at a higher risk of vulnerability in this dynamic. BCBS expects teachers to refrain from sexual innuendo and sexual harassment, including comments about a student’s appearance, or other potentially disturbing forms of speech that can be construed as sexual or romantic in nature.


In addition, BCBS expects that teachers will refrain from any romantic or sexual relationship with a student, or with someone who has been their student in the previous six months. In addition, it is expected that teachers clearly and consciously end the student-teacher relationship before embarking on a romantic or sexual relationship with a former student.


  • To undertake the precept of refraining from harmful speech. To agree to speak that which is true and useful and to refrain from gossip in our community. To cultivate conscious and clear communication, and to cultivate the quality of lovingkindness and honesty as the basis of our speech. To agree to hold in confidence what is told or written in confidence, and specifically never to publish any confidential conversations or correspondence with students, other teachers, or BCBS staff members, whether those individuals are named or remain anonymous, without their prior written consent. Further, our commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion are informed by our recognition that the presence of structural power dynamics and unconscious bias may cause us to inflict harm even when we do not intend it. In addition, teachers agree to be mindful of the power that comes with being in a position of spiritual authority and recognize the impact their words and actions can have on yogis.


  • To undertake the precept of refraining from intoxicants that cause heedlessness or loss of awareness. To refrain from the use of intoxicants during courses or while on BCBS premises.


Any violation of this code of conduct will be addressed upon receiving notice of an alleged violation in accordance with BCBS’s Ethics Complaint Procedure.


Procedure for Handling Alleged Ethics Violations


  • When a verbal or written complaint that a teacher has committed an ethics violation is received by a staff member, board member, or BCBS otherwise becomes aware of an apparent ethics violation, it will be immediately reported to the Executive Director (ED) and/or Director of Studies.


  • The ED and Director of Studies will work with the Human Resource consultant to investigate the complaint. The team will conduct an investigation, including interviewing the complainant and the teacher, and will recommend a course of action to the Board Personnel Committee within thirty days of completing the investigation.


  • The ED, Director of Studies, or HR Consultant will inform the parties of the decision and actions to be taken.


  • BCBS will support a reconciliation process when both parties choose to participate and the ED and HR Consultant deem it appropriate. In some particularly challenging circumstances, the ED and HR Consultant may choose to call in further outside expertise.