Impact of Giving

BCBS is a mission-driven and community-supported 501(c)(3) educational non-profit organization that thrives because of compassionate supporters like you who understand the transformative power of Buddhist teachings. Your generosity means the world to us and directly supports all who benefit from our work.
Because of your support, we had a tremendous impact in 2023, which included:

Stories of Impact

In these videos, you will hear personal stories from our community members about how their time at BCBS has transformed their lives. From profound spiritual insights to everyday mindfulness, these testimonials reflect the diverse and enriching experiences that make our center a spiritual home for those on the path to awakening.

Ryan Lee Wong

Jeri Sides

Raymond Chin

Chamini Kulathunga

Join Us in Making the Difference

Through the practice of generosity, you can help sustain BCBS as a vital spiritual resource while making a difference in the lives of those who rely on our programs for guidance, support, and community. Here is how you can help:

One-Time Donation: Your tax-deductible gift will be put to work immediately where it will make the greatest impact. 

Monthly Giving: Your monthly donation will be a hassle-free and budget-friendly way to provide steady support to BCBS, and it can be changed or canceled at any time.

BCBS is a nonprofit organization that exists only because of your support. If you value and benefit from our work, please consider making a donation today. Your donation, no matter the amount, will bring us closer to a more compassionate and awakened world.