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Jhānas, Lucid Dreaming, and Letting There Be Just Seeing in the Seeing

Insight Journal: Your new book, Right Concentration: A Practical Guide to the Jhānas, came out

Long Retreats, Selfie Sticks, and the Five Faculties

  IJ: Maybe we can start by talking about your own practice. Do you find

Mettā: What It Is, What It Isn’t

Insight Journal: How has your relationship to mettā changed over the years? Shaila Catherine: When

Cultivating the Brahmavihāras

An Interview with Bhikkhu Anālayo on his new book, Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhist

The Dynamics of Theravāda Insight Meditation

Abstract With the present paper, I intend to bring out key aspects of the practical

The Four Assemblies and Theravāda Buddhism

Introduction In this paper I examine two significant developments in the Theravāda tradition from the

After Buddhism

A New Idiom for a Pragmatic, Ethical Culture Based on the Teachings of Gotama Stephen

Insecurity, Self-Criticism, and Impermanence

Paul Fulton is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Newton, Massachusetts. A co-founder and

Love and Compassion in the Visuddhimagga

Maria Heim is Professor of Buddhist Studies in the Religion Department at Amherst College, MA.