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2017 Vedana Conference

BCBS held a symposium July 13-16, 2017 on the topic of vedana. Conceived and organized

What About Neutral Feelings?

At the Vedana Symposium organized by Martine Batchelor and held at BCBS from 13 to

Putting Art-Making Back on the Map III: Dharma and Arts Symposium at BCBS

We’re offering a final series of three presentations from the BCBS Spring 2016 Dharma and

Putting Art-Making Back on the Map II: Dharma and Art Symposium at BCBS

This month Insight Journal offers three more presentations from BCBS’ Spring 2016 Dharma and Arts

Putting Art-Making Back on the Map I: Dharma and Arts Symposium at BCBS

In Spring 2016, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies held its first Dharma and Arts Symposium.

Death Contemplation

Insight Journal: Bhante, what is contemplation of death, and how do we practice with it?

The Nibbāna Interview

Register and learn more about Bhikkhu Anālayo’s upcoming online lecture series on The Nibbāna Sermons.

Diversity Assumptions, Implicit Values, and Seeking Refuge

Learn more about Lynette’s course at BCBS this coming April 27-30 on Cultivating Ethics: Buddhist