Fall 1997

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Breaking the Cycle (Brāhmaṇa Saṃyutta [SN 7.2.2])

punappunam ceva vapanti bījaṃ punappunaṃ vassati devarājā punappunaṃ khettam kasanti kassakā punappunam aññam upeti raṭṭhaṃ

Directed and Undirected Meditation (Satipatthana Samyutta 47.1.10)

The venerable Ānanda arose early one morning, and taking up his robe and bowl approached

Sharing a Vision of Practice

Kamala Masters has been practicing insight meditation for two de­cades with Munindra-ji, Sayadaw U Pandita

The Pāramis: Heart of Buddha’s Teachings and Our Own Practice

This article is adapted from a one- day workshop offered by Sylvia Boorstein at the

The Path of Concentration and Mindfulness

This article is adapted from a workshop offered at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies,