Fall 1998

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One Tool Among Many: The Place of Vipassana in Buddhist Practice

What exactly is vipassanā? Almost any book on early Buddhist meditation will tell you that

Upon the Tip of a Needle (Mahā Niddesa 1.42)

jīvitaṃ attabhāvo ca sukhadukkhā ca kevalā ekacittasamāyuttā, lahuso vattati kkhaṇo. cullāsīti sahassāni kappā tiṭṭhanti ye

Sitting Just to Sit

The intimacy of practice is the practice of non-separation, of being at one with whatever

Let the Wilderness Serve! (Saṃyutta Nikāya 6.2.3)

At one time the Buddha was residing in Magadha, near [a place called] Andhakavinda. At

To the Forest for Refuge

Joseph, after practicing in India for ten years and teach­ing in this country for more

Mindfulness: Gateway into Experience

These words are excerpted from a dharma talk given at BCBS on Janu­ary 18, 1997

Practicing for Awakening

These remarks have been excerpted from a day-long program given by Jack Engler at the