Fall 1999

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The Thorn in Your Heart (Selections from the Attadaṇḍa Sutta)

attadaṇḍā bhayaṃ jātaṃ, janaṃ passatha medhakaṃ, saṃvegaṃ kittayissāmi yathā saṃvijitaṃ mayā. phandamānaṃ pajaṃ disvā macche

Like Moths to the Flame (Udāna 6.9)

One time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī, in Jeta’s grove, at the garden of

The Context of Impermanence

Some of the best dharma talks I have ever heard are the ones given by

Anatta: A Practical Approach

Like many practitioners, I have al­ways found the teachings about anattā—or selflessness—hard to fathom. And

Do We Really Believe in Impermanence?

  Two questions come into my mind when thinking about the teaching of impermanence in

Seeing the Truth of Freedom

Sharda Rogell has been teaching re­treats at IMS for more than ten years. After living