Fall 2000

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Dharma as Dāna

Can you tell us, Judy, in essence, what Dharma Seed is? Dharma Seed makes a

Finding Our Place

Myoshin, you have been teaching at IMS and other retreat centers quite a bit these

Looking in the Mirror

After several years away, I returned to IMS not long ago for a midsummer retreat.

The Investigation of What Is Important: The Second Factor of Awakening

Santikaro Bhikkhu is an American-born monk who has been living in Thailand at the Suan


In any moment of mindfulness, we have the beginning, middle and end of the path.

The Aṭṭhaka-vagga of the Sutta Nipata

Issho Fujita is a Japanese zen monk who has been the resident teacher at Valley

Cutting the Stream: The Shorter Discourse on the Cowherd (Majjhima 34)

ayaṃ loko paraloko jānatā suppakāsito, yañ-ca Mārena sampattaṃ appattaṃ yañ-ca Maccunā. sabbaṃ lokaṃ abhiññāya sambuddhena

The Blooming Lotus (Theragāthā 700 & 701)

This poem by the Elder Udāyin evokes one of the most famous of Buddhist images,

Teaching and Confusing the Dharma

This brief anthology of excerpts from the Pali texts on the subject of teaching the