Fall 2001

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It Can Be Very Simple

Ajahn Sundarā, a senior nun from the Amaravati community in England, spent the three-month vassa,

How to Understand

Joseph had been scheduled to speak with a group of people at CIMC the day

Stillness and Insight

These excerpts were taken from a program offered by Christina at the Barre Center for

Healing or Harming

A question that has been coming up a lot lately in various discussions is this:

A Simple Matter of Choice?

These remarks are exerpted from a Bhavana Program on Intention offered at BCBS in June

Leaving No Trace

This article is one of a series of occasional submissions by long-term practitioners at Cambridge

The Moon Released (Theragāthā 871-873)

Of all the monks and nuns who awakened under the guidance of the Buddha, none


Battering upon the gummy silence I no longer feel any lever against this world. The