Fall 2002

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Climbing to the Top of the Mountain

You have lived in a forest monastery in Sri Lanka for many years, Bhante. What

Healing the Wounds of the World

Many of us in America today are thinking about security, wondering how best to keep

From Self-Judgement to Being Ourselves

Diana Winston has been involved with IMS’s Young Adult Retreat since 1993. She teaches dharma

The Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness

dhammesu dhamm-ānupassī viharati ātāpī sampajāno satimā vineyya loke abhijjhā-domanassaṃ One abides contemplating mental objects as

The Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness

dhammesu dhamm-ānupassī viharati ātāpī sampajāno satimā vineyya loke abhijjhā-domanassaṃ One abides contemplating mental objects as

Instructions for Entering Jhāna

These instructions have been taken from a nine-day retreat offered by Leigh Brasington at the

Resistance in Meditation

Bill Morgan, Psy.D., a Boston-area psychotherapist and Buddhist practitioner, is a member of the Institute

Putting Down the Burden

The Buddha’s Awakening gave him, among other things, a new perspective on the uses and

King Pasenadi Goes on a Diet (Samyutta Nikāya 3:13)

Once when the Buddha was living at Sāvatthi, King Pasenadi of Kosala ate a whole