Fall 2004

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War and Peace

As Buddhists understand things, the outer world unfolding around us is largely a reflection of

The Working of Boundless Compassion

Taitetsu Unno is Jill Ker Conway Professor Emeritus of Reli­gion at Smith College in Northampton,

In This World, Hate Never Yet Dispelled Hate

Based on a talk given at the IMS Forest Refuge in Barre, MA, last winter.

Generating Spiritual Friendship: Reflections from a Gray Haired Mentor

Jean Esther has been practicing the Theravada tradition for the past 22 years. She is

Lessons from an Illness

Marilyn Judson has studied vipassanā meditation with Shinzen Young for the past nine years, and

What Is Mindfulness… And Why Is It Important to Therapists?

This article is excerpted from the first chapter of a new book, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy.

The Steadfast Family Man (Anguttara Nikaya 5:40 & 3:48)

Most Buddhists have always been and continue to be laypersons and householders. These verses from

A Comprehensive Matrix of Constructed Experience

These are the building blocks with which we construct our world. Every action which creates