Fall 2005

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An Organic Spirituality

We are accustomed in the West to think of spiritual matters as having to do

It’s About How to Live

Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara is the abbot of the Village Zendo in Manhattan. She is

The Buddha Did Not Teach Buddhism

This presentation was made at the BCBS Forum “Buddhist Responses to Violence, ” on September

The Emptiness of Concepts

This talk was given as part of a weekend program at BCBS called “Cognitive Science

Caregiving and the Buddha’s Way

When seen with clarity, any non-harmful activity can be a field for spiritual practice—be it

A Face So Calm

Advice to a Dying Man

Advice to a Dying Man: Anāthapindikovāda Sutta (Majjhima Nikāya, 143) This systematic exploration of the

Dharma Contemplation: Soaking Ourselves in the Words of the Buddha

As interest in Buddhist teachings becomes more mainstream, many people are beginning to feel a