Spring 1998

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May All Beings Practice Dying

Rodney Smith lives in Seattle, Washing­ton, where he has been running a hospice. He has

Flying in the Face of Death

I must confess that wherever I am, a large part of my heart always lies

Dharma on the Front Lines: Finding a Path

From a weekend workshop on Engaged Buddhism held at BCBS on ]une 1, 1997 Finding

A Fourth Turning of the Wheel? Ambedkar Buddhism

From a talk given at BCBS on July 3, 1997 One way of looking at

Practicing the Middle Way: Devadaha Sutta

On one occasion, when he was visit­ing his homeland among the Sakya clans, the Buddha

Working With Fear

This is a summary of some of the medita­tion practices and issues covered in an

Irresistible Force (Saṃyutta Nikāya 3.3.5)

yathā pi selā vipulā nabham āhacca pabbatā samantānupariyeyyuṃ nipphoṭento catuddisā evam jarā ca maccu ca