Spring 1999

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Cultivating Equanimity

Excerpted from talks given during an 8-week course at CIMC on Equanimity. As human beings

You Call Yourself a Farmer?: Kasibhāradvāja Sutta (SN 76-80)

At one time the Buddha was living in Magadha, just below the hills, near a

The Foolish Monkey (Samyutta Nikāya 47.7)

There is, on Himavat, king of mountains, a rugged and uneven land where monkeys do

Dependent Origination

This article has been excerpted from a program offered by Christina at the Barre Center

Practicing for Awakening Part 2

The following remarks continue the excerpt of a day­long workshop given by Jack Engler at

The Wisdom of the Ordinary Mind

Larry, you have been involved with the dharma for some time now, and you have