Spring 2001

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A Ripple in a Pond

I know how reticent monks are to talk about themselves, but I cannot help but

Taking Responsibility for Our Thoughts: Reflections on the Vitakkasaṇṭhāna Sutta

One of the first insights of vipassanā practice is the recognition that the mind has

The Wings of the Bodhisattva

These words are extracted from a course offered by Joanna at BCBS in October, 2000.

The Distortions of the Mind: Aṅguttara Nikāya 4:49

cattāro ‘me bhikkhave saññā-vipallāsā citta-vipallāsā diṭṭhi-vipallāsā:… anicce niccasaññino dukkhe ca sukhasaññino anattani ca attā ti

Body People, Mind People

One of my early teachers was Shivananda Saraswati, who was about 85 years old when

Stealing the Scent (Saṃyutta Nikāya 9:14)

This lively exchange between a forest-dwelling monk and a benevolent deity is filled with poetic