Spring 2003

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The Lonely Forest Dweller

These lovely verses are attributed to Tissa Kumāra, the youngest brother of King Ashoka, and

A Discussion Among Psychologists

  This material comes from a weekend program offered at BCBS in January that was

A Radiance of Nuns

The moon, full, pauses In coconut tree branches Crickets sing their bliss. This account of

The Rock Inscriptions of King Ashoka

King Ashoka was a remarkable leader, by any standard. He inherited from his father and

The Five Spiritual Powers

  Sarah Doering has had a long association with the Insight Meditation Society and with

The Truth of Interpersonal Suffering

This article is extracted from a talk given by Greg Kramer at the start of

A Builder of Bridges

I know it is an obvious question, Taraniya, but how did you get into all

Evolving Beyond Delusion

The human species is evolving, and at a very rapid rate now that the evolution