Spring 2004

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The Non-Pursuit of Happiness

There are two fundamentally different approaches to the attainment of happiness. One is so deeply

Sharing What You Love

Trudy Goodman lives and teaches in Los Angeles, and is a member of the Boston-based

Fear, Pain …and Trust

This article has been excerpted from a course Joseph taught at the study center on

The Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness

Most practitioners of insight meditation are familiar with the four foundations of mindfulness, and know

All About Change

Change is the focal point for Buddhist insight—a fact so well known that it has

Teaching Meditation to Children and Beginners

The adults in the Zen commune I grew up in for a time may have

Crossing the Rohini (Therāgāthā 527-9)

These verses are said to have been uttered by Udāyin (nick-named Kāla Udayin or “Dark