Summer 2007

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Making the Best of It

Sensory information hurtles upon our eyeballs at the speed of light, crashes into our eardrums

Sharpening Mañjuśrī’s Sword

Leigh Brasington has been practicing meditation since 1985 and is the senior American student of

Only the Mountain Remains: Practicing in Nature

As long as there are monastics who delight living the forest at the foot of

Food for Awakening: The Role of Appropriate Action

The Myth of Bare Attention The Buddha never used the word for “bare attention” in

Mindfulness for Educators

The most practical thing we can achieve in any kind of work is insight into

No Harmful Thought

Is it really impossible to imagine that such an attitude is attainable? We so often

Meditation on the Elements (Majjhima Nikaya 62)