Summer 2008

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Where the Action Is

There are two aspects to every moment’s experience. One is the content, what it is

Mindfulness Defined: Street Smarts for the Path

What does it mean to be mindful of the breath? Something very simple: to keep

Resourcefulness: a Jataka Story

Once there was a poor boy who happened upon a dead mouse lying in the

Escaping the Karma of Addiction

This article is based on teachings given at BCBS in January, 2008 by Paul Simons

How to Be a Bodhisattva

Shantideva is one of the most revered teachers of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. His most

Attached to Nothing

This is an archaic poem in the Sutta Nipāta, and the language is thus rather

Back to the Source

John Peacock has been an academic and meditation teacher for 25 years, including monastic training