Summer 2009

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Mind and Brain

There are generally two approaches to understanding the relationship between the mind and the brain.

Freedom from Buddha Nature

“What is the mind? The mind isn’t ‘is’ anything. ” —Ajaan Chah “The mind is

Mind Changing Brain Changing Mind: The Dharma and Neuroscience

The knowledge of neuroscience has doubled in the last twenty years. It will probably double

How Does Meditation Train Attention?

“Attention, attention, attention!” —Zen Master Ikku’s answers when asked for the source of the highest

Buddhism, Body, Mind-Problem?

Many of the key questions scientists will be trying to answer in this century revolve

Mindfulness of Breathing: Ānāpānasati Sutta (MN 118)

  Understanding Key Terms developed: bhāvitā This word is simply the causative form of the

The Greatest Happiness

  These verses are said to have been uttered very soon after the Buddha’s awakening