Summer 2010

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Kama Sutta

This is the Pali version of the better-known Sanskrit work, Kāma Sutra. Discerning readers may

Cherish the Nuns

After his awakening the Buddha made a return visit to his home town of Kapilavastu.

Perennial Issues

Toward the end of World War II, Aldous Huxley published an anthology, The Perennial Philosophy,

The BCBS Model Goes to India

When I first turned onto Lockwood Road in Barre, Massachusetts, I had never seen Buddhism

The Pilgrims’ Experience

This story combines recollections from several people on the 2010 BCBS pilgrimage. Contributing were Helen

The Sixth Sense

We are used to thinking of ourselves as autonomous agents experiencing an objective world that

The Last Stronghold of Self

I find Buddhist practitioners to be quite good at establishing skillful intentions. We endeavor to