Winter 2008

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Māra Rebuffed

This poem is all the more remarkable when you know the story behind it. The

The Crow-Birth: A Jātaka Story

Jātaka is a Pali word meaning “birth-story” (jāta—”that which is born” and ka—from katheti—”to relate”).

Simply Rest in Knowing

I would like to begin tonight by telling a story from the Zen tradition. One

Outline of Abhidhamma

The Abhidhamma is a body of literature that emerged shortly after the lifetime of the

Breaking Free with Creative Awareness

Meditation is often seen just as a way to relax or to empty one’s mind.

Dhamma as Skillful Kamma

There is a rather humorous text in the Middle Length Discourses called the Kukkuravatika Sutta,

Post Copernicus

Remember how people used to naively think the earth was at the center of the