Andrew Olendzki

Andrew Olendzki, Ph.D., is a Buddhist scholar, teacher, and writer living in Amherst, Massachusetts. Trained at Lancaster University (UK), the University of Sri Lanka (Perediniya), and Harvard, he was the first executive director at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA, and went on to lead and teach at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies for almost twenty-five years. He has also taught at numerous New England colleges (including Amherst, Brandeis, Connecticut, Hampshire, Harvard, Lesley, Montserrat, and Smith colleges), spent two years at the Mind & Life Institute heading up their Mapping the Mind project, and has been a longtime member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy. Andrew has contributed chapters to many books on Buddhist psychology, writes regularly for Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and is the author of Unlimiting Mind: The radically experiential psychology of Buddhism (Wisdom, 2010) and Untangling Self: A Buddhist Investigation of Who We Really Are (Wisdom, 2016). He is currently creating and teaching a number of online programs as the senior scholar of the Integrated Dharma Institute, and is Professor and Director of Mindfulness Studies at Lesley University.

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Dhammapada 13

April 6, 2012 full moon Dhammapada 13, translation and commentary

What’s Left of the True Teaching

Insight Journal -- Dec 10 2011 edition What's Left of the True Teaching Pārāpariya Thera translation & commentary by Andrew Olendzki

No Hatred for Anyone

Insight Journal -- June 15 2011 edition No Hatred for Anyone —Itivuttaka 3:7d translation & commentary by Andrew Olendzki One who neither kills nor makes others kill Buddhist teachings place the greatest emphasis upon the moment-to-moment construction of experience in one's own mind and body.... Karma, according to the Buddha, is driven by volition or intention (sañcetanā), so the most important factor at any time is the quality of the mind or heart in the instant that action is initiated. ...

Sāriputta Teaches Dhamma

Insight Journal -- May 17 2011 edition Sāriputta Teaches Dhamma Vangīsa Thera (Theragatha 1231-1233) translation & commentary by Andrew Olendzki

A Protestant Buddhism?

The Moon Among Stars

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