Bhikkhu Anālayo

Bhikkhu Analāyo is a scholar-monk at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies and the author of numerous books on meditation and early Buddhism. He is the co-founder of the Āgama Research Group (Taiwan) and a retired professor at the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of Hamburg (Germany). His main area of academic research is early Buddhism, with a special interest in the topics of meditation and women in Buddhism. He regularly teaches practice courses on Buddhist meditation. Bhikkhu Anālayo lives a secluded lifestyle, devoting most of his time to solitary meditation practice.

Bhikkhu Anālayo is the author of Satipatthāna: The Direct Path to Realization, the bestselling Mindfulness of Breathing and the Nautilus Award winner Mindfully Facing Disease and Death, as well as The Signless and the Deathless: On the Realization of Nirvana and Abiding in Emptiness: A Guide for Meditative Practice.

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Vedanā Part 2: Addressing Views and Clinging at the Source

Vedanā Part 1: Addressing Views and Clinging at the Source

Mindfulness in Different Buddhist Traditions

Vipassanā, the Three Characteristics, and the First Satipatthāna

Cultivating the Brahmavihāras

The Dynamics of Theravāda Insight Meditation

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