Carol Wilson

Carol Wilson first began practicing Vipassana, or Insight meditation, in 1971 with S.N. Goenka in Bodh Gaya, India. Since then, she has studied and practiced with many Theravada teachers, both Asian and Western. She has been particularly influenced by the teachings and practice styles of Sayadaw U Pandita and, in the past ten years, of Ashin U Tejaniya. In the 1980s, she spent a year in Thailand as a Buddhist nun, which she continues to appreciate as an immensely valuable and inspiring experience. Carol has been sharing vipassana and metta retreat teachings since 1986, both in the United States and abroad. She feels a strong commitment to supporting the conditions for long intensive retreats to take place, and for many years she has been teaching the three-month retreat at Insight Meditation Society as well as a month long retreat at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. She is an IMS Core Guiding Teacher.

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Mindfulness: Gateway into Experience

Do We Really Believe in Impermanence?

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