Embodied Mindfulness with Bhikkhu Anālayo

Bhikkhu Anālayo’s genius is, in part, to [analyze] the terse, sometimes obscure language of the Buddha’s discourses and reveal them as fresh, practical guidance for contemporary meditators.

-Guy Armstrong

Learn to face fear and anxiety by cultivating mindfulness of the body in this freely offered video lecture and guided meditation by Bhikkhu Anālayo.

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In preparation for challenging situations, we make sure first of all that we are aware of the presence of our body. From the vantage point of embodied mindfulness, we become able to face challenges well. This reflects the protective dimension inherent in the establishing of mindfulness.

-Anālayo, Chapter 1: Mindfulness, Satipaṭṭhāna Meditation: A Practice Guide (Windhorse, 2018)

Video Lecture

Guided Meditation