Losing Yourself: How to be a Person Without a Self with Jay L. Garfield


Excerpts from Jay L. Garfield’s “Losing Ourselves: Learning to Live without a Self” (2022).

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Recorded sessions

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

About Jay L. Garfield

Jay L. Garfield is the Doris Silbert Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy, Logic and Buddhist Studies at Smith College. He chairs the Philosophy department and directs Smith’s logic and Buddhist studies programs as well as the Five College Tibetan Studies in India program. He is also visiting professor of Buddhist philosophy at Harvard Divinity School, professor of philosophy at Melbourne University, and adjunct professor of philosophy at the Central University of Tibetan Studies. Garfield’s most recent books are Knowing Illusion: Bringing a Classical Tibetan Debate into Contemporary Discourse (with The Yakherds, forthcoming 2020), What Can’t be Said: Paradox and Contradiction in East Asian Philosophy (with Yasuo Deguchi, Graham Priest and Robert Sharf, forthcoming 2020), and The Essential Jewel of Holy Practice: Patrul Rinpoche’s Instructions for Practice (with Emily McRae, 2017).

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