Maraṇasati Practice with Bhikkhu Anālayo

Bhikkhu Anālayo’s genius is, in part, to [analyze] the terse, sometimes obscure language of the Buddha’s discourses and reveal them as fresh, practical guidance for contemporary meditators.

-Guy Armstrong

In this video, we invite you to realize the inevitability of death and contemplate your own mortality as Bhikkhu Anālayo skillfully guides you through maraṇasati practice. Experience the remarkable potential of this practice to transform your attitudes about impermanence and death, build resilience, and enliven your appreciation of and participation in life.

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If I were asked to recommend just one single meditation practice, I would probably opt for recollection of death. This is because of its transformative power…according to early Buddhist thought, freedom from death can be realized while still alive.

-Anālayo, Chapter 5: Death, Satipaṭṭhāna Meditation: A Practice Guide (Windhorse, 2018)