Bhikkhu Anālayo’s Offerings

Bhikkhu Anālayo’s genius is, in part, to [analyze] the terse, sometimes obscure language of the Buddha’s discourses and reveal them as fresh, practical guidance for contemporary meditators.

-Guy Armstrong

Publications by Bhikkhu Anālayo

Access an extensive library of Bhikkhu Anālayo's 500+ publications on theoretical and practical aspects of early Buddhist traditions.

Wildlife Dharma with Bhikkhu Anālayo

In this dharma talk for children, Bhikkhu Anālayo describes the lessons he has learned from wildlife encounters as a meditating monk.

Satipaṭṭhāna Meditation with Bhikkhu Anālayo

In this series of seven audio meditations, Bhikkhu Anālayo provides sequential guided instructions for satipaṭṭhāna meditation.

Mindfully Facing Climate Change with Bhikkhu Anālayo

In this Mindfully Facing Climate Change lecture series, Bhikkhu Anālayo explores the intersection of Buddhism and climate change.

Maraṇasati Practice with Bhikkhu Anālayo

In this video, we invite you to realize the inevitability of death and contemplate your own mortality as Bhikkhu Anālayo skillfully guides you through maraṇasati practice.

Embodied Mindfulness with Bhikkhu Anālayo

Learn to face fear and anxiety by cultivating mindfulness of the body in this video lecture and guided meditation by Bhikkhu Anālayo.

Brahmavihāras and Emptiness with Bhikkhu Anālayo

In this series of six audio meditations, Bhikkhu Analayo reflects on the four boundless states of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity, and their relationship to emptiness.

Mindfulness of Breathing with Bhikkhu Anālayo

In this series of six audio meditations, Bhikkhu Anālayo provides sequential guided instructions for mindfulness of breathing.

Nibbāna: The Mind Stilled

In this online lecture series hosted by the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies, University of Hamburg in collaboration with the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Bhikkhu Anālayo discusses the 33 Nibbāna Sermons by Bhikkhu Ñāṇananda.

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